Pay your order securely with major credit cards: VISA, VISA Electron, 4B, or Mastercard.
You offers on a credit card discharged in your bank to operate in safe Internet shops.
You will receive your order on the shipping address you have chosen and you will be cashed to give it to you.
Securely pay your orders by indicating your mobile number and Bizum password.
Your order will be shipped when we receive the payment or transfer of the amount.
The unpaid order will be automatically deleted in 5 days.
You can make your payment in store to pick up your order.
(*) To pay with PayPal, Contrareembolso and Income/Bank Transfer minimum order will be 49€.
Tenía un Kong extreme, pero con mudanza de casa aún estoy sacando cosas de las cajas y mi staffy estaba muy triste echando de menos a su Kong así que al verlo disponible en Huella, lo compré. Suki está contenta de la vida con su Kong arriba y abajo, hasta duerme con el ejeje, y la calidad muy buena, aguanta muy bien su mandibula.