Advance Hypoallergenic Snack.
Algunos perros desarrollan alergias alimentarias que se manifiestan en reacciones cutáneas y transtornos gastrointestinales.
Advance Hypoallergenic Snack es el primer snack de Advance hipoalergénico.
Su composición exclusiva se basa en:
Tecnología Semi Moist Biscuit
Esta tecnología mantiene húmeda la galleta, propiciando que sea más tierna y sabrosa. Gracias a ello:
Subproductos de origen vegetal, extractos de proteínas vegetales, carnes y subproductos animales, azúcares, sustancias minerales.
Contenido: envase de 150gr.
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You will receive your order on the shipping address you have chosen and you will be cashed to give it to you.
Securely pay your orders by indicating your mobile number and Bizum password.
Your order will be shipped when we receive the payment or transfer of the amount.
The unpaid order will be automatically deleted in 5 days.
You can make your payment in store to pick up your order.
(*) To pay with PayPal, Contrareembolso and Income/Bank Transfer minimum order will be 49€.
Advance, an investment in your pet’s health.
You control 100% of their diet.
ADVANCE is the only pet food reinforced with active antibodies (active immunoglobulins) that help protect your dog’s and/or cat’s intestines, ensuring that they are better protected against foreign bodies.
The ADVANCE formula is packed full of vitamins, minerals, natural antioxidants (natural polyphenols) to maintain your pet’s optimal health through nutrition.
ADVANCE products contain animal-based ingredients with high quality proteins, such as chicken, turkey, salmon or lamb together with easily digestible cereals such as rice, wheat and corn. All this gives ADVANCE products a superior flavour.
ADVANCE’s constant innovations in advanced natural solutions lead vets to recommend the brand.